Our Services

RBN is dedicated to building sustainable, legitimate, & profitable businesses for impactful global Christian witness. RBN is dedicated to equipping and supporting independent small to medium-sized businesses to acquire visas, self-made income, business identities, & community relationships to foster kingdom impact through excellence in “Business as Mission” (BAM). RBN has helped start 32 businesses worldwide over the past 15 years. 

Online Business Coaching E-Course


“How to Run a Business- The First 3 Years” Our innovative “Business-in-a-Box” product - Now fully online in an easy to use E-Course! Don’t know how to start a business, no problem! Our E-Course Business Caching covers everything you need to know to start to successfully start, launch, and run a business for the first 3 years!

In-country business coaching intensive


We come to you and help you launch your business overseas. For those who are seeking to start, re-launch, or expand their existing business. The E-Cycle Business Intensive was developed by consolidating best practices from a variety of successful businesses, after several years of helping businesses start overseas, in various locations of the globe.

S.H.E.L.T.E.R Training


Sustainable Holistic English Language Teaching & Education for Refugees (SHELTER) Our SHELTER Program has been designed to equip those who desire to start and run non-profit English Language Training Center’s engaging refugees and immigrants. We are now applying the same tried and tested principles, from our ELT (English Language Training Centers) to assist those who desire to be a blessing to some of the most vulnerable in society.

Schedule a complimentary consultation

E-Course Business Coaching:

“How to Run a Business- The First 3 Years”

E-Course Business Coaching:

“How to Run a Business- The First 3 Years”

Our innovative “Business-in-a-Box” product - Now fully online in an easy to use E-Course!

For the past 15 years, we have been assisting likeminded teams to access some of the least reached communities by building profitable and sustainable businesses around the world. We are now applying the same tried and tested principles which we teach to team during our intensive in-country trainings, to a fully online E-Course!

Our E-Course is perfect for teams who need access to our “Business-In-A-Box” coaching and training:

  1. Now & can’t wait for an intensive, in-country trainings

  2. Need a more cost effective business training option to our intensive, in-country training

  3. Like to learn at their own pace

  4. Need a re-fresher on our training that they have already taken in the past

Don’t know how to start a business, no problem! Our E-Course Business Caching covers everything you need to know to start to successfully start, launch, and run a business for the first 3 years! Our E-Course covers topics such as:

  1. Business Plans

  2. How to write a mission statment

  3. How to conduct focus groups

  4. The 5 P’s of Marketing

  5. How to choose a location

  6. How to create 3 year financials

  7. In-Depth Daily Operations Manuals

  8. and More!

US$ 500

In-Person Business Coaching Intensive

We come to you and help you launch your business overseas

Our innovative E-Cycle “Business-in-a-Box” gives those who are seeking to start, re-launch, or expand their existing business. The E-Cycle Business Intensive was developed by consolidating best practices from a variety of successful businesses, after several years of helping businesses start overseas, in various locations of the globe.

The components include:

  • Choose From

    • 4-day in-country training, Full Business-in-a-Box Training

    • 3-day in-country training In-Depth Business-in-a-Box Training

  • Business Plan Development

  • Product and Curriculum Development

  • The E-Cycle Operations Manual

  • Tools and Templates

4 Days- US $6,000

3 Days- US $5,000


Teaching to Refugees/Immigrants Training

Sustainable Holistic English Language Teaching & Education for Refugees (SHELTER)

For the past 10 years, we have been assisting likeminded teams to access some of the least reached communities by building profitable and sustainable English Language Training centers. We are now applying the same tried and tested principles to assist those who desire to be a blessing to some of the most vulnerable in society.

There are over 70 million displaced peoples in the world. These individuals not only have to endure the hardship of the journey to their new home, but they then must grapple with the challenge of learning a foreign language. Their ability to thrive in their new home, in a large part, will be determined by their grasp of their new language in their adopted home. Language will open the door to meaningful relationships, employment and opportunities.

Our SHELTER Program has been designed to equip those who desire to start and run non-profit English Language Training Center’s engaging refugees and immigrants.

2 DAYS- US $4,000